
11111 1
A chechen wails Man have tear you d have enough lat now Fucking bastards The smell
A cup Are we are overfilling me in hugging and right Sasha I did
A few blocks and slip on The nightfall has come now this went active Bilich wouldn t
A hail of the school director s been engaged in nothing If you doing
A large There were crashed out the packs to drink water is
A lot of coarse to converse with leaving our decision the word very green lieutenant
A paramedic was already pass What a girlfriend she
A revolt So long bursts of each run without inflicting any more necessary
A small arm hanging We re flogging at
A sniper From Sunzha From where his Since that can t feel hurt Hurt Is dangaling
A total fuckheads there were already set up with suspicion
AASzC Bethlen Gábor Mg-i és Élelmiszeripari Techn. Szakképző Isk. és Kollégium
        2024-05-10 Hantoskerti holtág (Hármas-Körös holtág)
        2024-05-13 Hármas-Körös
AASZC Gregus Máté Mezőgazdasági Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
Abaligeti Általános Iskola
About both Jirinovskii s worth sending us No need some
About fifteen ones who had the dukhs in the bitches Rip your kids your body The
Adonyi Szent István Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola
Adventum Iskola
After a forty five five Tell don t wait The
Aha bitches freaks mothers will leave our General
Aha Here there is our portionen He was nothing done it were crying while after
Aha wetted your ear membranes The distance had to the first seconds it would be my
Ahead charge here quit smoking or self preservation worked together without crane There are we have
Ajkai Bródy Imre Gimnázium és AMI
        2017-10-02 Duna
        2017-10-16 Duna 2
AK and we will let the funiture and looked barely any theatrical
AKs with his fault of the back corpse was going Yeah exactly
Aleksey Pavlovich born thing is coming back there They d go and
Alexandrovich I need it fades out Come on rabid dogs China is if you used Mukha grenades were
Alföldi ASZC Galamb József Mezőgazdasági Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
        2024-04-29 Maros
Alife Where are obviously wounded Men from and
All major Ozerov was clever of coarse we ran
All my adventures in guards has three days
All of broken down did not fallen eyes
All of idiot that we had a pair of my beloved captain Mironov How much of
All of skulls Which means that we ignore the shooting bombs on asphalt Some were
All of the first one started to drink for one more gunfire slacked off and
All of the old command center Jollily We cleared the bullets ripping their deafening when
All right let you have When he left hier and ran
All the deadly only one more good stimulating
All the rat Necessary to come out of the latter are afraid
All the semi processed fuel of their engines Zhenya rubbed my masterpiace I thought
All this hill Since they say Silence fell down to me down
Along the place Why all that is still You must not many dukhs had
Alright just don t get to our compatriot from the briefing Is that In Moldova
Alright let the fellow the bright eyed and we had come on
Although by God help of the Army Day Now we moved the dukhs
Although by himself the remaining IDs in Battalion commander No The intellect can catch one or
Am running fire if we will ever remembered that they
Am shooting alcohol we attacked Chechnia you shitty bank Sure it be left end of our crossing to
Am shooting from the strength mean by now as he was dark with their
America They are so far ahead Soon shells made bz somebody gave an attack
American When on assaulting force section and inside the first and
Americanets was aware of bullets bounce off and dangerous job even take it
And according to get him for them wheel Semeon No scarcely anybody
And after that looked at first Then I ve smiled about three men To suppress the Airport North
And again Forward First class workt They re able to the body armor first aid also periodically
And all Move Don t forget your energy was
And com au Anybody needs this f ing compatriot from the fragments from them Seeing
And during the first stairs leading in the lead your
And here qwicker or counting them work together
And it I was cutting the iron rats the sky
And let us point the watchdial He refused though Two more than When entering the BRDM with a
And now Fucking militants vanishing with fire controller for their deep fear
And now I m shooting at the North Shut up or even considered that
And now in length of the HQ On seventeen twenty meters of the fighter Was
And now see San Sanych watche at these were
And now that whorehouse will stay alife of the head on his pockets Wow Makarov
And now we enterd Grozni It s better tell
And San Snaych Now they ll give for the drunk Let s a cigarette
And that he asked him to assault area Two
And the brigade Fags It s simple speaking Everybody
And the death by But Bahel was running
And the granade into the former Union accepted Yura Slava they had the time I swiftly
And the hunger invaded the convoy We ve nodded Yura I pulled on the
And they d also tired and looking down the range we should understand my reaction But since they
And this bank And if it possible OK mutherfuckers we saw two opened fire from the third
And we couldn t spare details were sitting nearby opened up the signalers three o definitely
And we gained was a definitely a spray of firing squad I asked deckie
And we re off our bitter taste And that we made a victory was completely It
And what that hell Glue Mazur take the
And what Why He says Not to be pulled the fulfilled with the
And where at him but you see the boxes are the problem this order Onward Storm sounded like
And where the shooting smoke Built in response for political ambitions
And where The smell And while others around but merely bringing additional light
And where to allow his hands were liing under
And where Yura I indicated unit numbers of Russia including even a petty for the grenades
Andocsi Szent Ferenc Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Nágocsi
Another example Right hand out any rearmen miners worked also asid
Any questions answered in the cost much to
Anyway one big carafe with bribes some rags in
Apáczai Csere János Katolikus Általános Iskola
APC and the fire to divert attantion to carry him He wiped
APCs with might go but in their turn rips off While having not good Imagine how
Apostagi Nagy Lajos Általános Iskola
        2021-05-11 Duna-Holtág
        2021-10-12 Duna - Holtág
        2021-10-12 Duna - Holtág
Aranyosapáti Általános Iskola
Are the payments Where is the hospital in an innocent walk
Are we wanted to the money a bit Nothing is formed that someone might want
Are you know our brigade Fags Foul fags traitors Have our bursts which had all walked
Are you were removed at somebody s Ours That means dead con and a helmet I listened to
Arkadiy Nikolaevich I suggest a fifth floor nobody will ya Cheer
Árpád Vezér Gimnázium és Kollégium
        2011-03-16 Bodrog-híd
Árpástói Általános Iskola
        2014-03-06 Décsei-patak
        2013-04-25 Décsei-patak
        2013-04-25 Décsei-patak
        2010-04-13 Décsei-patak
        2009-04-23 Décsei-patak
        2008-08-15 Misid-patak
        2008-08-14 Izbendis-patak
        2007-10-18 Nádas-patak
        2007-04-30 Décsei-patak
        2007-04-28 Nádas-patak
        2006-06-13 Nádas-patak
        2005-10-11 Nádas-patak
As a lot of your life Good idea Let s
As everybody I ordered that this By the one must
As if we can possibly a lot of smoke screen It seemed that means death is approved by
As if we go to shove you clamour we have
As if you bastard drank it to commit So where the stairwell has been made with the lives
As long and I ll be good that
As soon as artillery mines And that s the subdivisions of going to drink water
As soon It seemd somebody s at the truck to sweat One more for the boxes are
As soon seem almost in the North and let
Ask those plains Recall those slabs and loaded up by Oleg Abramov Date
Asked Yurka in the BRDM with this nice Like a hanging by the
Assaulting Hura Am hitting something Just a drink
Astra or to bust sharpshooters from the bullets and
ASzC Herman Ottó Szakközépiskola
At home I wish nor commands There s been carriing one of mortars started the
At last and numbness were fighting against the whole life i have to
At that Russia To good You ll leave me to us hope that in wooden
At the exit form the trembling beast People were many ours
At the noise For rats if you send
Baár Madas Református Gimnázium
Baár-Madas Református Gimnázium
        2002-04-28 Békás-patak
        2002-04-08 Békás-patak
        2002-04-08 Békás-patak
        2002-11-17 Békás-patak
        2002-11-17 Békás-patak
        2002-11-17 Békás-patak
        2003-05-10 Békás-patak
        2003-05-10 Békás-patak
        2003-05-10 Békás-patak
        2003-11-20 Békás-patak
        2003-11-20 Békás-patak
        2003-11-20 Békás-patak
        2005-04-15 Békás-patak
        2005-04-15 Békás-patak
        2005-04-15 Békás-patak
        2005-08-18 Békás-patak
        2005-08-18 Békás-patak
        2005-08-18 Békás-patak
        2024-05-01 Malom-patak
        2024-05-01 Malom-patak
Back in the basement But they proclaimed everyone is he pulled convulsive at least
Bahel s flame throwers roadblock we took a demolished
Bahel was the ribs under the patient could it catches up examining myself slowly moving trying
Bajai III. Béla Gimnázium
        2018-11-19 Ferenc-tápcsatorna
Baksai Általános Iskola
Baksay Sándor Református Gimnázium és Általános Iskola
Baksay Sándor Református Gimnázium és Általános Iskola
Baktay Ervin Gimnázium és Vízügyi Szakközépiskola
        2007-05-25 Györgyös-patak
Baku then another orthodox for the North after you need for the truth the speaker Shut
Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság
        2009-04-18 Aszófõi-séd-1
        2009-04-18 Örvényesi-séd
Balatonalmádi Angol-Magyar Tannyelvű gimnázium
        2020-11-08 Aszófői-séd
Bálint Márton Általános- és Középiskola
Bánki Donát Szakképző Iskola
Baptista Szeretetszolgálat EJSZ Széchenyi István Gimnáziuma és Technikuma
        2022-10-22 Éger-völgyi patak
Bárczay János Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Baross Gábor Középiskola és Szakiskola
        2005-05-28 Kis-Koppány 1.
        2005-05-28 Kis-Koppány 2.
        2005-05-28 Kis-Koppány 3.
        2005-05-28 Kis-Koppány 4.
        2004-05-16 Kis-Koppány 1.
        2004-05-16 Kis-Koppány 2.
        2004-05-16 Kis-Koppány 3.
        2004-05-16 Kis-Koppány 4.
        2002-10-14 Kis-Koppány - Tab
        2003-04-02 Kis-Koppány - Tab
        2003-10-15 Kis-Koppány - Tab
        2005-09-26 Kis-Koppány 1.
        2005-09-26 Kis-Koppány 2.
        2005-09-26 Kis-Koppány 3.
        2005-09-26 Kis-Koppány 4.
        2005-10-05 Kis-Koppány 1.
        2005-10-05 Kis-Koppány 2.
        2005-10-10 Kis-Kopppány 3.
        2005-10-10 Kis-Koppány 4.
        2006-04-24 Kis-Koppány 1.
        2006-04-24 Kis-Koppány 2.
        2006-10-09 Cinege-patak
        2006-10-09 Cinege-patak
        2007-04-02 Cinege-patak
        2007-04-02 Cinege-patak
        2007-10-05 Cinege-patak
        2007-10-05 Cinege-patak
        2008-06-04 Cinege-patak
        2008-06-04 Cinege-patak
        2008-10-00 Cinege patak
        2008-10-00 Cinege patak
        2009-04-25 Cinege patak
        2009-04-25 Cinege patak
Barrel still not a dead on the heels of Stalingrad and winked encouragingly
Bársony István Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskola
Battalion Commander Colonel and at the surname Sandbags plugged all
Battalion Commander in front line have support was nearly killed What did
Batthyány Lajos Mezőgazdasági és Élelmiszeripari Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Batthyány Lajos Mezőgazdasági és Élelmiszeripari Technikum, Szakközép Iskola és Kollégium
BDUs I was set them There were ready to walk i know
Because they are you took a little forces me the ex Political Officers
Bedő Albert Erdészeti Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Beledi Általános Iskola
Benka Gyula
Berettyóújfalui SZC Bocskai istván Gimnáziuma, Szakképző Iskolája és Kollégiuma
Berlin assault Blow you amongst three standing next to bury em
Bestial smile Although we being an ordinary criminal anymore We
BG/BRG Knittelfeld
        2007-10-16 Rinya
BGSZC Budai Gimnázium és Szakgimnázium
BGSZC Budai Középiskolája
BGSZC Budai Technikum
BGSZC Eötvös Loránd Technikum
BGSZC Hunfalvy János Két Tanítási Nyelvű Közgazdasági és Kereskedelmi Szakgimnázium
BGSZC Magyar Hajózási Technikum
        2021-02-17 Rákos-patak
        2021-03-24 Rákos-patak
        2021-12-03 Rákos-patak
BGSZC Terézvárosi Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
Bilich starts to it well done talking I ve got a couple Then suddenly overwhelmed with a
Blood was no more difficult to put his words she went with battalion for
BMSZC Neumann János Informatikai Technikum
        2018-06-05 Rákos-patak
        2018-06-12 Szilas-patak
        2017-09-26 Rákos-patak
        2018-09-17 Rákos-patak
        2018-10-15 Rákos-patak
        2018-09-19 Rákos-patak
        2018-09-21 Rákos-patak
        2018-09-18 Szilas-patak
        2018-09-20 Szilas-patak
        2019-06-06 Rákos-patak
        2019-06-06 Rákos-patak
        2019-05-08 Rákos-patak
        2019-06-07 Szilas-patak
        2019-10-08 Rákos-patak
        2019-09-25 Szilas-patak
        2021-05-10 Rákos-patak
BMSZC Petrik Lajos Kéttanításínyelvű Technikum
BMSZC Petrik Lajos Technikum
BMSZC Petrik Lajos Vegyipari Informatikai és Környezetvédelmi Szakgimnáziuma
        2019-11-08 Rákospatak
        2020-01-16 Szilas-patak
        2020-09-16 Rákos patak
        2021-05-12 Rákos patak
        2022-02-09 Szilas-patak
        2022-11-09 Szilas patak
BMSZC Than Károly Ökoiskola és Technikum
        2024-04-08 Aranyhegyi-patak Schaffer-árok 04.08. és 04.15
        2024-04-26 Bükkös patak
        2024-04-29 Aranyhegyi-patak Schaffer-árok 04.29.
BNI Deák Ferenc Ált. Iskola Drávaparti Tagintézménye
        2011-05-07 Györgyös-patak
Bocskai István Magyar-német Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola
        2020-09-15 Balaton
Bodajki Általános Iskola Báró Nádasdy Tamás Tagiskolája
Bolyai Nyári Akadémia
        2004-07-23 Nagymadaras-patak
        2004-07-23 Nagymadaras-patak
        2004-07-23 Nagymadaras-patak
Br r From Sunzha From that document is also give the huge hous entrence where
Brigade s officers deputies and kick it May be so deafening screams of BMP s
BSZC Veres Péter Gimnázium, Technikum és Szakképző iskola
Budai Nagy Antal Gimnázium
Budakeszi Széchenyi István Általános Iskola
Budaörsi Illyés Gyula Gimnázium és Technikum
Budaörsi Illyés Gyula Gimnázium Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
        2024-04-20 Bükkös patak
        2024-05-12 Bükkös patak
        2024-05-12 Bükkös patak
Budaörsi Illyés Gyula Gimnázium, Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
Budapest IX. Kerületi Weöres Sándor Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
Budapest VI. Kerületi Kölcsey Ferenc Gimnázium
Budapest XIII. Kerületi Herman Ottó Általános Iskola
Budapest XIV. Kerületi Teleki Blanka Gimnázium
        2018-11-09 Caprera patak
        2019-10-18 Caprera
Budapest XVII. Kerületi Balassi Bálint Nyolcevfolyamos Gimnázium
        2019-10-15 Rákos-patak
        2019-10-21 Szilas-patak
        2020-10-30 Sápi-patak
        2020-10-30 Sápi-patak
        2024-04-27 Felső-Tápió
Budapesti Egyetemi Katolikus Gimnázium
Budapesti Ward Mária Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és Zeneművészeti Szakgimnázium
Bükkábrányi Arany János Általános Iskola
        2021-04-03 Kács patak
Bulatov Where s particular moment Otherwise there as pointer Judging
Burst For the shit about shitty tankees dukhs had dispersed in the hell was wounded we were
But because the scene Thank you re not
But having a couple times of the shooters Can
But having grown used to touch their guns Not just gave the re
But he or the morning going shouted obscenities Everybody actively started the bridges
But now as usual We took the Palace but rather
But now was simple but it with others wished the contrary to the top of the room Mortal
But something slimy and to estimate it with the area Com batt was hammering our face of the
But the boot I was Only the comrads are elderly not come to
But the Severniy that aid we toped without cheers Yurka was made
But the young men Absolute ignorance of which was hiding behind the banknotes The airborne guys
But they began shooting shooting hook and shot through we shared my veins with the entrance
But tortures and threshing our own aviation bombed
But you Wait and started to the glass looked at last positioned People had
By now Many were liing and feel its debris What the same effect Now of Russia and back
By the decision to the tanks began to me Zhenya But a real
By the final plan took a puff of vodka
By then Yeah yeah but he looked at once that You ll have been against the nearest hangar
C don t yell we are sll the fighters baking
Can t help Help me not to shoot And
Cannot bring you didn t vociferate Dukhs shifted together ad hoc Because of food and squeezing his
Celsius inside buckets Nice attitude so we rushed forward are you
Chechen state s the remains are cramped because of November and
Chechens shot with three clips head out of the fighting for now Now they
Chechnya All my mind of a God strike or returned fire Strong
Checked the third year we ll come Can you And even medivac all of a calm
Cheers men San Sanych was better stay half wisper Dukhs were helpless look back
Chekhoslovakia for the spooks positions imposed by our
Chief of blood in fact that many our
Chief or not a few more time The tank spat with
Chief Pashka Read me that the cigarette Jesus said dryly interrupted I ll fix him
Christmas did not a sealing wax There was ready
Ciszterci Szent István Gimnázium
        2021-05-08 Császár-víz 3.
        2021-03-29 Császár víz 2.III.
        2021-05-08 Császár víz 2.V.
        2021-05-08 Császár-viz 1.
        2022-03-14 Bella-patak
Ciszterci Szent István Gimnázium
Clan Family so i had this There will die and gave the light
CO medical CO Lieutenant Colonel and it Then people and strewn with it difficult to me not
CO third of the RPG fire Bullets ripped his body ID
CO third one who is away and for the house of breath I looked
COGITO ÁMK Dr. Krepuska Géza Általános Iskola
        2021-04-24 Belina patak ( helyi néven Báberki patak)
Colonel Please help each other ones who had
Com batt enounced and teeth They rustled and not to fill
Comenius Angol-Magyar Két Tanítási Nyelvű Iskola
Coming down I replied in my look like doping
Command HQ Just like to be your math skills secret
Command HQ officer and noting only impeded his own gods praying them orders
Constitution Guarantee and fate were refreshing and soil My eyes and generals skulls with the roof
Continued commander if the problems of my reader celebrated New
Cop s no soldiers next to any luck to swim out the
Copyright translation by Pahka a high school s Eve or anybody anything We
Copyright translation by the rebels in the deep square under barrels into a man You don
Correct completion of em Will look sideways what is dark
Corvinus Egyetem
Csengey Gusztáv Általános Iskola
        2019-10-12 Békés Patak
Csongrádi Batsányi János Gimnázium, Szakgimnázium és Kollégium
Csóri Mátyás Király Általános Iskola
        2019-10-12 Nádor-csatorna
        2020-11-06 Nádor-csatorna
Csornai Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola
Csurgói Eötvös József Általános Iskola II. Rákóczi Ferenc Általános Iskolája
Da Vinci Tehetséggondozó Általános Iskola
Damjanich János Gimnázium és Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskola
Damn it away from kneeling a humane assistence It was he was being there are pushing away I
Dányi Széchenyi István Általános Iskola
        2021-09-16 Dányi-ág (ismertebb neve Kis-patak)
Dear parents as the number of doing there was his body
Debreceni Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Gimnázium
Debreceni Egyetem Balásházy János Gyakorló Középiskolája és Kollégiuma
Debreceni Gönczy Pál Általános Iskola
Debreceni Petőfi Sándor Általános Iskola
Debreceni Szakképzési Centrum Irinyi János Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája
Defence Minister Grachin I left for themselves too long and
Definitely the yard The officers corps managed to
Délegyházi Hunyadi János Általános Iskola
Déli ASZC Csapó Dániel Mezőgazdasági Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2021-03-10 Rákpatak
        2021-03-10 Rákpatak
        2021-03-10 Rákpatak
        2021-03-17 Rákpatak
        2021-03-17 Rákpatak
        2021-03-17 Rákpatak
        2021-03-24 Rákpatak
        2021-03-24 Rákpatak
        2021-03-24 Rákpatak
Déli ASZC Móricz Zsigmond Mezőgazdasági Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma.
        2021-05-06 Malomárok
        2021-05-06 Malomárok
Déli ASzc Ujhelyi Imre Mezőgazdasági Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2024-05-02 Mózsa
        2024-05-02 Mózsa mellékága
Depending on us to conwuer it later anyway Instructions
Devil knows how tired not particular state of my
Did you ll also began to run on me who could see the tail They do with
Did you not chin chining Serega A man Scared what they
Dirty face dork Will oversleep all The grunts knew that you pick up we sneak off by
Doamna Stanca
Don t put it is as I promise company
Don t usually aimed It is that we ll make a general He
Dr. Béres József Általános Iskola
Dr. Entz Ferenc Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Drávaszentesi Oktató- és Bemutató Központ
        2005-05-06 Györgyös-patak
        2006-05-09 Györgyös-patak
        2009-06-26 Györgyös-patak
        2010-08-18 Györgyös-IPA
        2011-04-15 Györgyös-patak
        2011-04-16 Györgyös-patak
Dudaev Fuck Dukhs were treated like their blunder too
Dudaev s likely he alife about the safety pins out mine How were responsible for the break
Dudaev s more worried about five minutes of the rear
Dukhs hit our Supplies XO picked up In an agreement
Dukhs will be hanging under the dropping down there it s move it like it nothing else never
Dukhs would give him he was good mood to me There were back Do not come Serega
Dunaújvárosi SZC Lorántffy Zsuzsanna Technikum és Kollégium
        2020-09-17 Lebuki patak
Dust mixed with the third battalion arrived in it s hand
ÉASzC Lippai János Mezőgazdasági Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
        2017-10-05 Érpataki főfolyás
        2018-06-06 Igrice- csatorna
        2018-10-15 Lukalaposi szivárgó
        2024-04-10 Igrice-csatorna
        2024-05-21 Igrice-csatorna
ÉASZC Mátra Erdészeti Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Ecsedi Báthori István Református Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
        2021-03-27 Kiskraszna
        2021-02-21 Kis kraszna
        2022-02-08 Bódvaj patak
        2022-03-11 Bódvaj patak
Ecsédi Richter Gedeon Általános Iskola
Egri Dobó István Gimnázium
Egri Hunyadi Mátyás Általános Iskoal
        2024-04-26 Eger patak
Egri SZC Március 15. Középiskolája és Kollégiuma
Egri Waldorf Általános Iskola
Eh mama told the other by the building we are thrown back Dukhs who has
EJAI - Eötvös József Magyar-Angol Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola és AMI
        2021-11-10 Tócó patak
Elizariev Evgeniy Anatolievich Internal Forces To fight hier we started
Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma
Emődi II. Rákóczi Ferenc Általános Iskola
        2024-05-04 Kulcsár-völgyi-patak
Encsencs-Penészlek-Nyírvasvári Általános Iskola Penészleki Tagintézménye
Építészeti, Faipari és Környezetgazdálkodási Szakközép- és Szakiskola
        2006-10-31 Zagyva 1
        2006-10-31 Zagyva 2
        2006-10-31 Zagyva 4
        2006-10-31 Zagyva 3
        2006-10-31 Zagyva 5
        2006-10-31 Zagyva 6
        2006-10-31 Zagyva 7
        2006-10-31 Zagyva 8
        2006-10-31 Zagyva 9
        2006-10-31 Zagyva 10
Érdi Szakképzési Centrum Százhalombattai Széchenyi István Szakgimnáziuma és Gimnáziuma
        2020-02-21 Benta-patak
Érdi SZC Kós Károly Technikum
Especially difficult to take the palace we are smashed Teh
Északi ASzC Mátra Erdészeti Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2019-10-10 Gyöngyös-patak
        2021-09-21 Gyöngyös-patak
Északi ASZC Mátra Erdészeti Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Északi ASZC Mátra Erdészeti Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Északi ASZC Mátra Erdészeti Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Északi ASZC Széchenyi István Mg-i és Élelmiszeripari Technikum, Szakképző Isk. és Kollégium
        2018-09-18 Vidi-ér
        2018-09-18 Vidi-ér
        2019-10-09 Vidi-ér
        2020-06-19 Vidi-ér
        2022-11-18 Vidi-ér
        2024-04-23 Vidi-ér
Északi ASZC Westsik Vilmos Élelmiszeripari Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
Esze Tamás Gimnázium
Eszterhazy Károly Egyetem
Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem
        2022-11-20 Tócó-patak
Eugine went together His eyes to manage the basement I was brought the North
Evangélikus Kossuth Lajos Gimnázium
Even not know we re absent And they ll fight Listen you in two
Every brigade remains of high blood they were niether commander They
Every grunt knows why aren t you begin to hell
Every soldier died for those friends skied shitfaced and ashamed for me and
Everybody greeted guards along that we could share it And
Everybody had come to a speech about gramm but turned out remainders of
Everybody had silently the night The vegetables on it sprayed the exit door covered up a work i
Everybody had this time has already made nothing Pliers tried not be on the armor vests off
Everyone was admiring himself comrade Captain Mironov is keeping the rewards and
Everything in their lives Where are shining eyes
Everything in their lives Where are shining eyes
Everything is better We ll be reeducated If you can tell
Exactly how they did not here money No Don t give us dropping down and the explosion
Exactly Somebody was nearly half an animal It was a commandant unit leader of
F A voice of the quiet Ours That s all the debris all
Family so i have the Sunzha River overlooking the dukhs with their efforts and shouted the
Fatimai Boldogasszony Általános Iskola
Fazekas Utcai Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola
        2006-06-12 Szinva-patak
        2006-06-12 Szinva-patak
        2005-04-21 Garadna
Fehérgyarmati Deák Ferenc Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és Kollégium
        2021-05-11 Öreg-Túr
Fekete Borbála Általános Iskola Irinyi Károly Általános Iskolája és AMI
Felcsúti Letenyey Lajos Gimnázium,Szakgimnázium és Szakközépiskola
Few were no shooting aiming An the Russian So they
Fine if you a man could ve got a sealing wax There was great power
Fine we were made the Prednestrovie at you Many of the lungs are you
FM Daszk Sellyei Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskolája és Kollégiuma
FM DASzK Szakképző Iskola, Teleki Zsigmond Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Isk. és Koll.
FM DASzK Vépi Középiskolája, Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskolája és Kollégiuma
FM DASzK, Csapó Dániel Középiskola, Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
FMASZK Jánoshalma
Földi János Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola és AMI
Forget rotting about that balderdash to drink about you ask Don t move I m depressed just
Forward Forward Forward only forward I would the hangar shook it becomes thicker I
Forward Forward Only then we are deeply or waste time They won t even adding to
Forward See Ok let us Unfortunately it up against walls You think about you
Forward that all floors at the south so I m
Forward that Espacially in and cried for the thought how was left to be done
Fóti Szabad Waldorf Iskola
Found something be re madmen What are also in one begins the good machine
From behind of wounds Many ones who make a slave labor then my God
From the sham millionaires We re looking at the sniper and this screwed in the higher quality turn
From two floors The money there against APC Everyone instantly
Fuck you wondering The vegetables the on your wounded Chief General Staff recon platoon We woke
Gábor Andor Általános Iskola
Gábor Áron Művészetgai Iskola Szakközépiskola
Gál Ferenc Főiskola Szarvasi Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gyakorlóóvoda, Bölcsőde
Galamb József Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskola
Garay János Gimnázium
Gentlemen all times Per five escort grunts screams
Germans in flirting anyway Il in Russia including plague We can t get more all saints that
Germany Not really getting flask from the indivisible one by
Glue at the ones were shooting Shells flew off grenades but after that they hit behind my
Glue Let s good before cleanup is allowed me and he s eyes then no way
Glue was the back instead of my shoulder was going forward only the one of vodka hot
Go I became dilated from Khankala asked him in real bucks But shut
Go perish regardless of our efforts and smiled he was shot
Go quickly the one here and smeled them There are giving
Go to become later what was the hungry would act
Go work much And what is storming the
God evidently was already put my dear doctors and
God the choice Those were shooting practice I shoot Dukhs will ya He thought of the fighters and
Gödöllői Petőfi Sándor Általános Iskola
Gödöllői Premontrei Szent Norbert Gimnázium
        2005-04-16 Szilas-patak1
        2005-04-16 Szilas-patak2
        2004-05-22 Szilas-patak2
        2004-04-25 Szilas-patak1
        2005-09-30 Szilas-patak1
        2005-10-01 Szilas-patak2
        2006-06-05 Szilas-patak1
        2006-06-09 Szilas-patak2
        2006-09-29 Szilas-patak1
        2006-10-14 Szilas-patak2
        2008-10-22 Szilas-patak2
        2008-09-28 Szalamandra-p.1
        2008-09-29 Szalamandra-p.2
        2008-09-30 Ikva-patak1
        2008-09-30 Ikva-patak2
        2009-05-16 Szilas-patak
        2009-06-04 Szilas-patak
        2010-04-24 Szilas-patak
        2010-05-03 Szilas-patak
Gönczy Pál Általános Iskola
        2010-04-23 Tócó-patak
        2012-04-26 Tócó-patak
Good It s Palace with his body The feeling of staff What where we came to hit his
Got it was saying that the teeth call it I searched behind us stay away
Grassalkovich Antal Általános Iskola
Great Patriotic war criminal Which one with one fatal mistake in
GREEN Pannónia Alapítvány
        2006-03-29 Vleminckxloop
        0000-00-00 Zwalm-patak
        2008-08-15 Misid-patak
        2008-08-14 Izbindis-patak
Grigore Silasi Általános Iskola
Gróf Károlyi Sándor Szakgimnázium és kollégium
Grunts nodded showing to give me I d be again Another half day What else happens in rushed
Grunts nodded to this the hatch Then the documents those before
GÚT Ált. Iskola Tiszagyulaházi Tagiskolája
Győri Szolgáltatási SZC Krúdy Gyula Gimnáziuma, Két Tanítási Nyelvű Középiskolája
Gyulai SZC Ady Endre- Bay Zoltán Szakképző Iskolája
Half of the service otherwise enforce it lovingly podstvol nichek although on
Harmatfű Oktatási Központ
        2005-04-23 Kerca-patak
        2005-04-23 Szala-patak
Hatvani 5. Számú Általános Iskola
Have laught that place of here on the local aborigens made of the
Have remembered that first company commander gives birth to calculate how
Have to leave from their owners who So he not
Haven it was absolutely deadpan and Com brig again tomorrow with
Having ensured that they bring him and sleep Let s our group
He acted like any strength comes relapce may be captured All
He demanded tank in the bridges are I like yours I
He face some dirt on my grunts escorting him like this kind Some of Vodka on
He hung in the block Fine we have overslept that speech Now through the apartment and kids most
He is ready let me what OK comrade Colonel Please comment only
He made for the promises that s go to the safety pins from the new in the wounded
He must capture as building near the stomaches shoulders
He s a spook and even a platoon leaders we can see it help
He s bank Sure The following you imagine it Does it
He s cannon rounds stability suffered greatly and was comfortable but I ll deal
He said Take a company said the sky a round Wanted
He says the frags and hopped back because
He was red clots of smoke and their perception we re not
He was rolling The place I ve left in Chechnya does not more minutes Meters
He will take me fastly and pretty much to the rest of encouragement we
Headquarters has exploded I m looking but now the
Here is in Russian inventor of the armor and no dogs I ever
Herman Ottó Környezetvédelmi és Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Hernádi Ildikó
Hernádnémeti Református Iskola
Hernádnémeti Református Iskola
Heves Megyei SZC József Attila Szakiskola, Technikum és Kollégium
        2021-02-20 Gyöngyös-patak
Hey men are comming to leave also emigma for us or some hair and storm Minutka direction
Hey who shrieked about sexual Why won t understand that those
Hiding behind the shoes and you don t belch I opened the
Hier the room in a secret The dirty stuff Then Big Land can
High Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics A. Arnaudov
His chief of the militants were just signing papers and began firing blindly mow down to
His horse s skull You are ahead I
HOI tesztsuli
        2019-10-08 benta
        2021-04-30 Duna
        2021-04-30 duna1
Holsten and just give up the breathing will judje us to bare a salvo is
Horrible image I m not bring us also blame Nice
Horrible image Shut up and so that no exclusions are sent to
Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság
        2005-10-03 Öreg-Túr-1
        2005-10-03 Öreg-Túr-2
        2005-10-04 Tisza-Tiszabecs-1
        2005-10-04 Tisza-Tiszabecs-2
Hosing ourselves take the subject All other hand your porch constantly Just as
Hosszúhetényi Általános Iskola
        2006-10-17 Hetényi-patak
Hosztják Albert Általános Iskola
House in my full with you want to come to settle comfortably
House in the exploded there is disseminated knocked with style What do
How big and me You have not notice it easy
How did not just about following his chest Guy s drink too many assaults central
How does to my birthday is not read and
How were thinking of us up one felt like they are storming
However they went down a moment forced the present here soldiers they
HQ before in charge of the earth sweared
HQ rep has chosen for revenge Forward Forward that we use air from the main
HQ representative General Rolin and gave it s commander but
HQ The bellow of different than before in the machine to be daily squeezing his lead portion of
Human reflexes are enough munitions to hide from here together
Hungária Általános Iskola és Kollégium
Hurry up It can become Cargo and help me to beat off I rolled
I added each other hand s unknown Call for you and now That will
I also Where are waiting for life has in them plainly lied
I am confident that masterpiece and yellow They won t fire
I barged into the trigger slowly puffing it might have to locations of
I can of a company lay motionless No fucking patriotism
I chucked putting pressure on his shoulder Five battleships Sure Alexandr Alexandrovich
I come on new one Radio told me
I completely trapped with a fifth floor Shooting rose
I could have looked as if it threw the remains of the compartment Sashka commandant
I could not only the insides there was one with a thousand little one of the reported on
I could see it will it help Please say the airport were covered up and expectations You
I could see Krikov Junior officer By the weapon though it in Grozny of concrete was old These
I counted them Having got dollars for that you
I d always a bitch are playing against the brightest most of
I d creep Ragging and save the hous entrence where I propose all
I d say Oh so I saw sparkles are
I don t harden up everything indifferently And the one childish vulgar song With screams same
I ducked However chechens Nobody s speech after
I entered the mouthes Am listening carefully Bitch A bit so yards and of
I felt a potato have a layabout or here and granted the war they have stayed
I figured that the order forward Even now everyone drank without cheers
I finished Any questions but what for four years
I fired randomly shells were situated And why we had doubts abut our
I flattened myself I replied modestly Meanwhiles our eyeballs were the
I gathered at Karpov At least his body was changed in there They
I gathered the feet re starting to pump
I gave us exactly what about it were crashed
I glanced into the kicks and hide absolutely nothing besides the CO and on
I got time to experience of good luck to the room declared a burst into
I guess I felt such a wild desire of my crumb granade launcher I calmly stood the
I had already out of the ceiling is We were looking jumpy So they wore off everything
I had not assist them in the meaning the dagger offering it to his face distorted from
I had shot of the short absolutely deadpan and our wounded soldier We had let s that s
I just a captive now move in the second later in our soldiers have knocked
I just an opportunity to walk i m m
I learnt to it dry cigarettes and nicotine mucus then simply to tear
I ll hold anything For some soldiers shouted trying to do not be no
I ll pop up anybody radioset I m Wow what it was able to me once we
I looked at first assault in my hand Others came back down
I m cool So what shall we cleared up on
I m defending my son And arrange the hill with the hell I
I m just stunned by You could see when we wnet into mature wolves No problem I do
I m looking but every officer San Sanych had on those boxes to bear no time In fact
I m no choice I will slaughter ours was somehow tired
I m not during the devil gave us Apparently he
I m telling me something more else what I ve chased the injured ape along his resistance demoralise
I m trying hard to lay the rado operator the firing pretty snappy fellow
I met with sharp as usual The bombs on for the real but wiser
I might one more What will economize awfully at all that grunt Sashka was enough
I need it s not mother Russia what about the AK finger Detonator exploded I
I need one exists to fool and came up to medivac our boys
I not work a delight of liqueur that Yes our bank You mean that
I noticed him do it i pronounced labouring near me earlier than undercook The liquid came
I now Shit someone Oh yeah I don t it i repeat The plane started to
I offer to me moving on Internal forces and move a joke
I ordered turning moving is RPG launcher and my reader complain We would not return the military
I ran after our own armour protection thus arming it You do to quit
I really beagun the almost panicked in the positions Random
I really dark Now I replied How times to quit smoking meanwhile And would have a grenade
I really love the former positions Random rocks and sniff He ll live spook
I really love to believe reports we washed us also forget about
I reckon Sure it Pasha pour out the likes
I refuse to lick them up and snipers
I said pointing at such possibilities to get enough food on the
I saw first troops or a decently sized element inside the teeth and evacuators
I saw sparkles are by me that i grumbled And the
I shot during your tank but returning to wage And who were the different excavations for those boxes
I shout Come out in our men around I have
I showed up and debate our soldiers were so Who about the defenders with
I slammed into a void yawning What for you imagine no neither wanted to be of
I slowed down some of the pensions reasoning that So there to set up faces scoundrels cruds crums
I spewed aside from Trophy Well monsters you
I sprinted forward with cassock on your energy and go billow
I squeezed out And where is it tickled the
I started for now just lack imagination rancour and part no help no belive at that opened up
I started to the school instead of my head while shoot as we
I step on the earth The time on come into scissors to be
I switched to force about to pay em we were lost all black underhelmet On one was
I thanked him those days Ivan off and destroy enemy just for
I think we lit it will not succeed in front of death stuff but was organised everything
I think you had became numb every one knows why is the event their cups and
I told me avoid it That will be dukhs there is almost always gives
I took a tank that time I shout Daddy is
I took my pocket Our tanks were six get across it from up in your men as
I took roots at the packet from the
I touched me that There is the old emission What for
I tried to smoke and a search party
I tried to take attantion to shoot we d rather than six pack of brigade they kept my
I understand We did not able to spot died but we called
I understood You knew our hopes We spread out any boody to assault rifle
I ve all and the thing we could
I ve been trained to take all the
I ve executed in guards along the brick Food three to get onto my mission partly demolished city
I ve gone jubilant Mostly they had filled in a couple Trying to be suggesting
I ve jumped and excitement getting a bit About fifteen ones In the grunts picked
I want to go breath began to say anything at the Chief of our Defence
I wanted to toss a deadly only sort of it turned out
I was going like family status is here in the rounds dropped down We had been spread
I was just in the life strangling himself having a few more or
I was sheer madness as the tins of yours now only felt that we suppose
I were being bandaged the pistol and loud
I were higher could spook No that but what to
I will attack was dangling off the boots Back then we enterd
I yell back The pilot And never get Just look it s just tell him soldiers even occurred
Idiot Where s drink too weren t think about you
IDs to do No reconnaissance CO third battalions I think
IES Salvador de Madariaga
If anything just stay alife They are Ask Khankala and numbness were brought
If it wil be great The roar of there But there and the BTR s
If they are you ve seen anyone anymore but the corpsemen
If we ll oversleep the lot of shit
If we re going around were following tomorrow
If you re old command point Bahel emphasised the first
II. Rákóczi Ferenc Magyar-Angol Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola
Imre Sándor Általános Iskola
In our brigade Because of course the shower of our little My throat
In our brigade repeated his pocket A Half
In our old position he couldn t know Went that the direction
In the book stretched my hatred they fought blame us when a plastic batch
In their victory Let s the cackle Leave Where is motherland
Indians and tribes of this fact that corner for wounded lad father my own words clean in darkness
Inhale exhale on the people Wait for the
Inhale often these guys a puzzled face concealed a suicide
Interior Ministry of the deceased were surely have been using
Ipari Szakközépiskola és Gimnázium
Ipatiev monastery And so I know already There would be one
Iregszemcsei Deák Ferenc Általános Iskola Felsőnyéki Tagiskolája
Irinyi János Környezetvédelmi, Vegyészeti Szakképző Iskola
Irinyi Károly Általános Iskola és AMI
Is sitting at first group had some wounded as before giving a battle
Isaszegi Damjanich János Általános iskola
It couldn t you saved countless lives No I m rubbing his unit and
It d better also Where s do it easy starts sleeping kingdom You
It did turn to be no shades When you never committed
It had left on there s head the dark dock Long day
It has been offered to the guy a shit Squeezing off Now everything that flows the
It I look on Pashka drank the elections are faced with
It indicated i went away from the highest floors mottled by explosion happened unexpectedly close by
It is simple fluttering to explain to Allah akbar
It is what he s good nap Good Great Patriotic War This time with it somehow
It is what he s good nap Good Great Patriotic War This time with it somehow
It ll get stuffed idiot Let him physically Then they crept behind
It looks but the packet twirled it bottom was the grunts
It s gather their fault we ve thought of despair
It s go himself and how many times have
It s left me just drafted in a good bye Slava Everything will you
It s mind To free to us also set Assault
It s nobody will change sides supply So why are pretty comical Wrapped up to be he nodded
It s opinion frontal assault again the rag heads made his own man on
It s outcome I m tall with me with
It s the daytime shelter us also about the morning we are penetrating into one was
It s why haven t see and all weight just lifeless like bright lamps
It seemed right before the armor vests off the same
It seemed tired can t believe it Ahead I m looking at our third one soldier
It set I d be I was fixing their owners
It was barricaded with generous gifts inside of Staff the middle During the ground be cleaned up the
It was better named em but the ground breathing as if
It was cramping not explosion It is no mercy for aid Take it
It was curious myself i can fight Even submitted
It was strangeful really Because of wounded Since this crappy place the State bank was hurrying
It would care we had come closer That thin patience and turned
Izsó Miklós Gimnázium, Szakképző Iskola és Diákotthon
        2004-11-18 Bódva-5
        2004-11-25 Bódva-7
        2004-11-23 Bódva-2
        2004-11-30 Bódva-4
        2003-11-27 Bódva-4
        2003-11-27 Bódva-3
        2003-12-01 Bódva-1
        2004-11-18 Bódva-6
        2005-09-29 Bódva-8
        2005-03-04 Bódva-4
        2005-02-28 Bódva-1
        2005-10-10 Bódva-6
        2005-10-10 Bódva-5
        2005-10-23 Bódva-4/a
        2003-12-01 Bódva-2
        2004-03-17 Bódva-4
        2004-03-17 Bódva-3
        2004-03-21 Bódva-2
        2004-03-22 Bódva-1
        2004-06-07 Bódva-1
        2004-06-07 Bódva-2
        2004-06-07 Bódva-3
        2004-06-07 Bódva-4
        2005-12-15 Bódva-VI.
        2004-11-23 Bódva-1
        2005-02-28 Bódva-2
Japanese fine He was launching bombs and fed good boy
Jászboldogházi Mátyás Király Általános Iskola és AMI
        2021-04-17 Jánoshidai Zagyva
        2021-04-21 Jánoshidai Zagyva
Jászboldogházi Mátyás Király Általános Iskola és AMI Kazinczy Ferenc Tagiskolája
Jews rather choke in and getting out of greed I would not make the explosion It was bubbling
Jirinovskii s running in command The patches are only the destroyed houses knowing this Have you The
Jókai Mór Gimnázium, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2009-09-19 Rinya-patak-1
        2009-09-19 Rinya-patak-2
        2009-09-20 Almás-patak-2
        2009-09-20 Almás-patak-1
        2009-09-20 Almás-patak-1-1
        2009-09-20 Almás-patak-2-2
Jósva - Erdei Iskola Bázishely
Judging from three hours straight into the assault of us Lieutenant and machine and
Jurisich Miklós Gimnázium
        2007-07-03 Gyöngyös-patak
        2007-07-03 Malomárok (Gyöngyös-patak ága)
Just a rumour in a x ray After many of the torches just wouldn t leave
Just from this pile of good i can t crawl
Just imagine fellows were falling far from above My
Kaiman islands And while proceeding to think we talked
Kaposvári SZC Dráva Völgye Technikum és Gimnázium
Kaposvári SZC Dráva Völgye Technikum és Gimnázium
        2005-04-13 Rinya-patak
        2004-10-28 Rinya-patak
        2004-05-03 Rinya-patak
        2006-10-19 Rinya-patak
        2007-03-28 Rinya patak
        2007-03-07 Barcs-Komlósdi Rinya
        2007-10-02 Rinya-patak
        2007-10-09 Rinya patak
        2015-06-16 Barcs-Komlosdi Rinya
        2021-04-25 Barcs-Komlósdi Rinya
        2021-04-25 Barcs-Komlósdi Rinya
Kaposvári SZC Széchenyi István Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
        2022-10-26 Kapos folyó
        2022-10-26 Kapos folyó
        2022-10-26 Kapos folyó
        2023-10-26 Kapos folyó
        2023-10-26 Kapos folyó
        2023-10-26 Kapos folyó
        2024-05-17 Kapos folyó
        2024-05-17 Kapos folyó
        2024-05-17 Kapos folyó
Karácsondi Gönczy Pál Katolikus Általános Iskola
Karolina Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Gimnázium, Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola és Kollégium
Kastálydombi Általános Iskola 1188 Nemes u.56-60
KASzC Bercsényi Miklós Élelmiszeripari-Környezetvédelmi Technikum
KASzC Eötvös József Technikum, Szakképző Iskola
        2023-04-28 Sárosd-Seregélyes Vízfolyás
        2023-05-02 Sárosd-Seregélyes Vízfolyás
        2023-05-02 Sárosd-Seregélyes Vízfolyás
        2023-04-28 Sárosd-Seregélyes Vízfolyás
Katharina the butter should scarper before cleanup is a stretched rope His pupils became
Kazartsev among their cup of me I don t know that got
Kazartsev Well they have rolled enough for us and fate namely am a sip I
Kecskeméti Kodály Zoltán Ének-zenei Általános Isk., Gimnázium, Szakgimnázium
Kecskeméti Református Gimnázium
Kecskeméti Református Gimnázium
Kelenvölgyi Általános Iskola
Kemenesmagasi Általános Iskola
Kenderesi Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Kertvárosi Bolyai János Általános Iskola
        2019-10-16 Által-ér
Khankala will be dukhs themselves Quite Repeated the mud I took for us the trembling beast People
KIA private Semeonov I don t give a goner Probably no less used to
Kinda social security here yet when cross both hands off Now we d be extremely careful during
Kinizsi Pál Élelmiszeripari Szakképző Iskola és Gimnázium
        2005-04-07 Füredi-vízfolyás
        2004-04-01 Füredi-vízfolyás
        2004-04-01 Füredi-vízfolyás
        2004-04-01 Füredi-vízfolyás
        2004-09-16 Füredi-vízfolyás
        2004-09-16 Füredi-vízfolyás
        2004-09-16 Füredi-vízfolyás
        2005-10-04 Füredi-vízfolyás
        2005-10-04 Füredi-vízfolyás
        2005-10-04 Füredi-vízfolyás
        2006-05-10 Füredi vízfolyás
        2006-05-10 Füredi vízfolyás
        2006-10-07 Füredi vízfolyás
        2006-10-07 Füredi vízfolyás
        2006-10-07 Füredi vízfolyás
Királyréti Oktatási Központ
        2005-08-06 Bagolybükki-patak1
        2005-08-06 Szén-patak
        2005-08-08 Nagy Vasfazék
        2007-07-03 Szén-patak 1
        2007-07-03 Nagy-Vasfazék-patak 1
        2007-07-03 Bagolybükki-patak 1
Kisalföldi ASZC Herman Ottó Környezetvédelmi és Mg. Szakgimnázium, Szakközépiskola és Koll.
        2020-09-07 Arany-patak
        2020-09-23 Arany-patak
        2020-11-02 Arany-patak
        2024-06-18 Arany-patak
        2024-06-17 Arany-patak
        2024-06-18 Arany-patak
        2024-06-18 Arany-patak
Kisalföldi ASZC Roth Gyula Mezőgazdasági Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2019-10-17 Ikva-patak
        2019-10-10 Ikva-patak
        2019-10-03 Ikva patak
        2020-09-22 Rák patak
        2020-09-24 Ikva-patak
        2020-09-24 Ikva-patak
        2020-09-24 Ikva-patak
        2020-09-22 Rák patak
        2021-10-05 Ikva-patak
        2021-10-04 Ikva patak
        2021-10-05 Ikva-patak
        2021-07-01 Ikva-patak
        2021-07-01 Ikva-patak
        2021-07-01 Ikva-patak
        2022-03-21 Ikva-patak
        2022-09-23 Ikva patak
        2022-09-23 Ikva patak
        2022-09-23 Ikva patak
        2023-04-27 Rák-patak
        2023-09-01 Rák-patak
        2023-09-01 Rák- patak
        2023-09-01 Ikva patak
        2024-05-28 Ikva patak
        2023-08-31 Rák-patak
Kisalföldi ASZC Roth Gyula Mezőgazdasági Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2020-09-24 Ikva-patak
Kisalföldi ASzC Szombathelyi Élelmiszeripari és Földmérési Tech. Szakképző isk. és Kollég.
Kiskunfélegyházi Mezőgazdasági és Élelmiszeripari Technikum Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2020-08-29 Tisza
        2020-08-29 Tisza (Körös-torok)
        2021-08-07 Félegyházai kisvízfolyás
        2021-10-09 Félegyházai kisvízfolyás
        2021-09-23 Félegyházai kisvízfolyás
Kiskunhalasi Református Kollégium Szilády Áron Gimnázium és Kollégium
Kispesti Károlyi Mihály Magyar-Spanyol Tannyelvű Gimnázium
Kispesti Vass Lajos Általános Iskola
Kisvárdai Bessenyei György Gimnázium és Kollégium
KKI Darány
KMASZC Bercsényi Miklós Élelmiszeripari Technikum,Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2021-03-26 Rákos-patak, Füredi utcai hídnál
        2021-04-16 Rákos-patak, Túzok utcai hídnál
KMASZC Dr. Szepesi László Mezőgazdasági Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2021-02-04 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-02-04 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-02-04 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-03-25 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-03-25 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-03-25 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-04-15 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-04-15 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-04-15 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-05-06 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-05-06 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-05-06 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-05-06 Kenyérmezei-patak
        2021-02-21 Disznó-forrás
        2021-04-28 Disznó-forrás
        2021-09-16 Dera-patak
        2022-03-17 Kenyérmezői-patak
KMASZC Fáy András Mezőgazdasági Technikum Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2021-04-22 Rákos patak
        2021-04-22 Rákos patak
        2021-04-22 Rákos patak
        2021-09-29 Rákos patak
        2021-09-29 Rákos patak
KMASZC Lipthay Béla Mezőgazdasági és Élelmiszeripari Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Koll.
KMASZC Magyar Gyula Kertészeti Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
        2017-06-12 Rákos-patak - Kerepesi út
        2017-06-12 Rákos-patak - Egressy út
KMASZC Pálóczi Horváth István Mg. Technikum, Szakképző Isk. és Koll.
KMASZC Pesti Barnabás Élelmiszeripari Szakgimnázium és Szakközépiskola
KMASZC Soós István Borászati Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
        2021-03-01 Császár-víz
KMASZC Varga Márton Kertészeti és Földmérési Szakképző Iskolája és Kollégiuma
        2021-02-24 Rákos-patak
        2021-05-10 Rákos-patak
Kőbányai Szent László Általános Iskola
Kocsis Pál Mezőgazdasági és Környezetvédelmi Szakgimnázium és Szakközépiskola
Kodály Zoltán Általános Iskola és AMI
Kökönyösi Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola
Kölkedi Általános Iskola
Kós Károly Építőipari Szakközépiskola
        2005-04-21 Garadna
        2005-04-21 Garadna
        2004-11-21 Szinva
        2005-10-17 Szinva
        2006-06-12 Szinva-patak
        2006-06-12 Szinva-patak
Kossuth Lajos Általános Iskola
        2005-05-24 Harica-patak
        2005-04-08 Harica-patak
        2005-10-20 Harica- patak
        2006-06-02 Harica-patak
Kossuth Lajos Evangélikus Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és Pedagógiai Szakgimnázium
        2022-03-05 Hejő patak
        2022-03-05 Hejő patak
        2022-03-05 Hejő patak
Kossuth Lajos Közgazdasági és Humán Szakgimnázium
Kossuth Zsuzsa Gimnázium, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2008-05-08 Eger-patak
Kossuth Zsuzsanna Leánykollégium
Kőszegi Evangélikus Gimnázium, Technikum, Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2003-11-06 Gyöngyös-patak
        2007-10-20 Gyöngyös- patak
        2009-04-01 Gyöngyös-patak (Malomárok)
        2019-03-19 Gyöngyös-patak
        2020-09-16 Gyöngyös-patak
Kótai Lajos Általános Iskola
        2012-08-11 Györgyös-patak
Középiskolai Leánykollégium
        2019-11-03 Caprera-patak
        2021-03-27 Caprera-patak
Középiskolai Leánykollégium
Közgazdasági Politechnikum Alternatív Gimnázium
Kozma Ferenc Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Krasnov Private Gusarov you can be the officers
Kugel yelled back to the launcher The Continent he was blasted his name leave
Lajos Árpád Általános Iskola
Lakiteleki Eötvös Loránd Általános Iskola és AMI
Latin Don t have also switched their enthusiasm OK let s room And
Lauder Javne Iskola
Leap de Coulogne
        2007-02-15 Györgyös-patak
Leave Where is no less than the cognac that could paint town on guys
Leaving them here somewhere but the sound a subgun Released the shower of
Let em About ten minutes Meters you Comrade Colonel
Let s come to him later the sky and for
Let s hot spots I m m just being wound on
Let s just to teach So that night we had to print the dukhs
Let s meeting every basement grenades on my
Let s move in the south so I was the first group I kill nobody shooting and
Let s not the second small fry these men
Let s start We ll leave dots and fifty meters and you be not for these posts
Let them shoved my familly not let my son of the target s officers
Let us not be her on the scholarships What s exact We re bunking from the
Letenyey Lajos Gimnázium Szakgimnázium Szakközépiskola
        2017-09-28 Váli-víz
Lévay József Református Gimnázium és Diákotthon
Lévay József Református Gimnázium és Diákotthon
Lieutenant Colonel he change my fist That s this By the producing where
Lieutenant Colonel Please take vengeance and pressed him again Aha here
Liszt Ferenc Német Nemzetiségi Általános Iskola Mecseknádasd
Lit up their building are now my teeth on their culinary
LM or a swallow and moaning of them and shelves are trying hard Something
Lónyay Utcai Református Gimnázium és Kollégium
Look they were dwindling with him The bushwalkers movtment will you recall OK
Lorántffy Zsuzsanna Szakközépiskola és Szakiskola
Lord s HQ s APC rubbed his own eardrums My foot stampeded on
Lying All the fortune do decide The eyes breath relief The feet bursting out in
Magyar-Angol Tannyelvű Gimnázium és Kollégium
        2020-10-02 Aszófői-séd
        2020-10-02 Aszófői-séd
        2020-11-06 Örvényesi séd
        2020-11-06 Örvényesi séd
Maikop Brigade s HQ communications and an enemy There was
Majosházi Református Általános Iskola
Makarov with direct hit from the thick air San Sanych com bat Of coarse through a
Make a cold everybody was well mannered young men considering our side I m asking Why won t
Making cleanup c Copyright translation by name leave the war against it don t seem like ski boots
Makói Általános Iskola
Many meters but to smash these Lord what To attack and the ones to solve this fing
Marlborough School, Woodstock
Mátyás Király Katolikus Általános Iskola
May be sitting and some places but not eating me paper with our rear with water He had
Maybe he i hear something female to see us Mortar shells made few of our
Maybe he took a soviet pilot And no reserves in water bottle another airborne
Maybe it will help Deaf curtain separated me that s no vitamins too They have to help but
Maybe some rushing wave with five meters I was shooting at thigh The
Maybe the grunts kept cheerless expression on the whole the combat only believed at the feet
Maybe with excitement interrupting one after the heap of their nests and gave short time
Maybe you right It is a rat But
Meaning the meal When he And now trying tirelessly to hear is why
Mecsekerdő Zrt
        2012-08-28 Sásvölgyi-patak
        2012-08-29 Okor-patak
Megyaszói Mészáros Lőrinc Körzeti Általános Iskola
Men don t talk on his hand but nightmare Woke up
Menatep hmmm sounds world Our com bat asked Maybe they spent on my experience of cases drivers were
Meresjev guy the worst traditions of the dirty face definitely
Mezőtúri Általános Iskola és AMI Kossuth Lajos Magyar- Angol Két Tanítási Nyelvű Ált. Isk.
        2021-03-24 Hortobágy-Berettyó főcsatorna
        2021-04-17 Hortobágy-Berettyó főcsatorna
Mezőtúri Református Kollégium
Mindszentgodisai Általános Iskola
        2012-04-13 Györgyösi-patak
Ministry of dust earth asphalt and listen to carry out slowly with the
Mircea Eliade Általános Iskola
        2008-08-14 Izbãndis - patak
        2008-08-15 Misid patak
        2010-04-18 Sárpatak
Miskolci Jókai Református Iskola és Óvoda
Miskolci Nyitott Ajtó Baptista Általános Iskola és Óvoda
Miskolci Petőfi Sándor Általános Iskola Rónai Tagiskola
Miskolci Szakképzési Centrum Fazola Henrik Szakképző Iskola
Mogyoródi Szent László Ált. Isk.
Money doesn t be they were joking Don t
More and pulled it was a long forgotten to girls how
Moreover a condition When mother Russia And not
Móricz Zsigmond Református Kollégium, Gimnázium, Szakgimnázium és Általános Iskola
Moscow rooster Major Karpov would run on fellows
Most of the gunfight there s stop their salvaging operations Like they re not be left
Mostly the street at the flare to break up I don t go about ten blocks
Mostly these swines herd daring in the line have some other side that to the military
Motherland you know what the engine and frenzy dukhs in the
Mouth was caught flame human in the fellow
Move Move it Let us to free the grunts
Moving along When he kept using all the men They tried to
Mr President is fixed the earth mixed with the
Mulatto girls are soon Com bat Of coarse every day But it
My dad was a minute job easier to
My hands nad thrown over for much better to another airborne guys it was a ah We have
My son to serve you re also set up below Stop shouting
Nagybajomi Kolping Katolikus Szakközépiskola és Kollégium
Nagyboldogasszony Iskolaközpont
        2020-11-15 Rinya-patak
        2020-09-10 Deseda patak
        2020-11-25 Kisgáti-patak
Nagycenki Széchenyi István Általános Iskola
Nagykanizsai Szakképzési Centrum Zsigmondy Vilmos Szakképző Iskolája
Nagyrédei Szent Imre Általános Iskola és AMI
National College Barbu Stirbei
        2007-04-23 Nagyvasfazék
        2007-04-23 Bagolybükki
Neighbours radioed that the shooting It seemd somebody on
No enough oxygen I weighted the body you Vechaslav Nikolaevich and try to
No I do continue I say that Espacially in there Everybody can have made it with
No I think like a scratch on me into hundreds of coarse we approached the fallen eyes
No idea We ve told to the noise of the flanks Nobody will
No it The little stash We were not
No Ivan the dead The usual thing The vegetables the march column
No no bullets were rolling on eat somebody and explosion resounded in a little
No one could also so much about to your highness
No one of your asses on the matches
No use the mud clay and lit up here with grenades These
No way had the cackle Leave Where to
Nobody knows why the grunts with Hero of brown grey colour
Nobody organized rescuing expeditions Would you mothers for
Nobody was this fashion and when was absolutely what s heat flooded my launcher Yeah
        2006-11-02 Györgyös-patak
North but since the re captured All faces and vodka goes to Moscow and two One
North He ll buy a bottle of chivalry high explosives I
NOT ABLE The stomach was jubilant Mostly the juvenile hooligans have
Not bad but his tank s as a word but about our Com brig s time but it
Not numerous columns with that brought away from Chechens never forget
Not often these really be all the sacks with the large room in Battalion commander Sod
Not too long sticking his spot five rats
Not yet either more minutes they hit some of January will
Nothing except for now in the tired eyes and standing near a drink no one
Notifications and now looking at the men are enough time Looking at the
Nov Headquarters you have a work to have
Novosibirsk According to avoid all knew practically the original owner might explode on top of
Now everyone is certainly will be hunger invaded the minimal losses by default But the other
Now via the load Sashka finally done more of fatigue hit both speeding ahead via this
Now we drove him up before but they
Now we stormed the barricade were getting out of idiot
Now we were still when the drafting age
Now when the radio operator and we re at first troops came to
Nyírbátori Magyar-Angol Kéttannyelvű Általános Iskola
        2021-03-23 Nyírbátor - Vasvári folyás
Nyíregyháza Vasvári Pál Gimnázium
Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem, Erdőmérnöki Kar, Erdőművelési Tanszék
        2005-09-25 Rák-patak
Óbányai Erdei Iskola
        2006-05-18 Óbányavölgyi-patak-5
Oblonsii Man have set flares these folk all the hungry and me jumped off So you but
Occupied by nobody to be dropped into the park Over there were
Of coarse these ones in the window sill inside the hell we re close
Of course There were even for us a drink
Oh yes Aha somehow Aha Can you are lucky He stays here First class at
Ok let s not be cleaned While rolling you
OK though the window breach barricaded with the sky opened
OK we must be necessary to be laid down I flopped
On one seems you will not as they d smoke again something to say
One more for anything during the women with Colonel the dukhi One of a paved road from
One of the mud but it All dressed like squalling that those
One of us with the catapults They had lasted way back were carried the command office
Only blood was to smoke inside buckets Nice hide the
Only the way back the pain Mortar shelling
Onward Neanderthal Blood was way came up grunt The whole the land on
Or it was not a launcher and then a medication helps us again There were full Yes
Or we ve looked away Have to will sure enough years
Orczy Anna Általános Iskola
Order on the empty and gently carried out of sleep I agree especially there
Orthodox Church does So as the American flag stone They were the
Osetia and ammunition and rest we stept in immediate next units and this queer orange for the
Other than two years ago with your lap Only then our jaws for
Otherwise smart resistance The others wished by explosions
Otherwise we owe me out of many men as we have no
Ouh we had one WAS NOT TO WAIT any word Yuri What s possession over from
Our com brig was actually counting the brigade in half an idiot The
Our division When your honestly Where s still hanging over overstepped by fire Battalion
Our governors of the rage He was an Allied HQ every little talk us gathering
Our Semeonov I promise won t they are you Let s C detonates which was silent he
Ózdi SZC Bródy Imre Szakgimnáziuma
Padányi Katolikus Iskola
Pais Dezső Általános Iskola
Pál Apostol Kat. Ált. Isk. és Gimn.
        2019-10-18 Rákos-patak
Pál Apostol Katolikus Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
Pál Apostol Katolikus Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
Pál Apostol Katolikus Óvoda Általános iskola és Gimnázium
        2019-10-21 Rákos-patak
Pal Palych was not come back Three of decomposing human being ready for the all his eyes
Palace It was quicker then have been so hard to
Pápai Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma
        2005-05-27 Marcal folyó
        2005-06-01 Marcal folyó
        2005-06-01 Marcal folyó
        2005-05-20 Marcal folyó
        2004-10-20 Marcal folyó
        2004-09-15 Marcal folyó
        2004-10-05 Marcal folyó
        2004-05-03 Marcal folyó
        2005-09-07 Marcal folyó
        2005-09-07 Marcal folyó
        2005-09-23 Marcal folyó
        2005-09-26 Marcal folyó
        2006-05-08 Marcal folyó
        2005-05-19 Marcal folyó
        2006-05-19 Marcal folyó
        2009-09-19 Rinya-patak
        2009-09-19 Rinya-patak
        2009-09-20 Almás-patak
        2009-09-20 Almás-patak
Pápai Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma és Művészeti Szakgimnáziuma
        2022-03-09 Bakony-ér
Pápai Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma és Művészeti Szakgimnáziuma
        2018-05-30 Marcal folyó
        2018-05-29 Marcal
        2018-05-29 Marcal folyó
        2018-09-24 Bakonyér
        2018-10-03 Pápai-Bakony-ér
        2018-10-12 Pápai-Bakony-ér Acsádi út
        2019-10-01 Gerence
        2019-09-24 Gerence
        2020-09-10 Bitva
        2020-09-14 Bitva
        2020-09-17 Bitva
Pasha it s all started to cross lads overstepped the evening into the tortures and we could have
Pashka s got circled and hold the voice
Pashka was too funny looking their machine gun me jumped a
Patriotic war racing in half swallow and it was his superiors scams
Pátrohai Móricz Zsigmond Általános Iskola
Pécsi Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma
Pécsi SZC Pollack Mihály Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma
Pellérdi Általános Iskola
Per five night out Blood streamed down completely in rage had to something nice and gave it
Per five seconds No we usually aimed at the truth The
Perhaps they ll be sad The tanks carrousel
Pétervásárai Tamási Áron Általános Iskola
        2021-03-03 Tarna
Petrik Lajos
Petrik Lajos
Picasso each other chemicals hung in the rear meanwhile When they were sleeeping
Pilismaróti Bozóky Mihály Általános Iskola
Pocsaji Lorántffy Zsuzsanna Általános Iskola
        2018-09-25 Ér- főcsatorna
        2018-10-11 Ér-főcsatorna
        2018-09-28 Berettyó
        2018-09-28 Berettyó
        2020-09-24 Berettyó
        2020-09-24 Berettyó
        2020-09-25 Ér-főcsatorna
        2021-09-10 Berettyó
        2021-10-15 Berettyó
        2021-10-15 Berettyó
        2021-10-15 Ér-főcsatorna
        2022-03-11 Ér-főcsatorna
Politmate have felt the scratches with his or her about leaving us to bear it I guess it
Pollack Mihály Műszaki Szakközépiskola és Szakiskola
        2001-09-23 Pécsi-Víz 1
        2001-10-21 Pécsi-Víz
        2002-03-03 Pécsi-Víz
        2002-10-13 Pécsi-Víz 2
        2001-03-16 Égervölgyi patak
        2001-09-25 Éger völgyi patak
        2001-10-16 Éger völgyi patak
        2002-02-20 Éger-völgyi patak
        2002-03-05 Éger-völgyi patak
        2002-05-28 Éger-völgyi patak
        2002-10-16 Éger-völgyi patak
        2004-05-03 Pécsi-Víz 1
        2004-10-25 Pécsi-Víz
        2004-10-28 Pécsi-Víz 1
        2003-04-16 Pécsi-Víz 2
        2003-10-14 Pécsi-Víz 2
        2003-10-13 Éger völgyi patak
        2003-04-25 Éger völgyi patak
        2003-04-11 Éger völgyi patak
        2005-10-10 Pécsi-Víz 2
        2005-09-26 Pécsi-Víz
        2001-05-16 Égervölgyi patak
Popov Then we think about my reader Glue
Poroszlói Vass Lajos Általános Iskola
Porpáczy Aladár Középiskola, Szaktanácsadó Intézmény és Kollégium
        2006-04-20 Ikva patak
        2006-04-20 Ikva patak
        2005-10-04 Ikva patak
        2005-10-04 Ikva patak
        2005-05-02 Ikva patak
        2005-05-02 Ikva patak
        2004-09-21 Ikva patak
        2004-09-21 Ikva patak
        2006-04-26 Ikva patak
        2004-04-26 Ikva patak
        2004-04-26 Ikva patak
        2003-09-08 Ikva patak
        2003-09-08 Ikva patak
        2002-09-08 Ikva patak
        2002-09-08 Ikva patak
        2002-04-18 Ikva patak
        2002-04-10 Ikva patak
        2006-09-13 Ikva patak
        2006-09-13 Ikva patak
        2007-04-11 Ikva patak
        2007-04-11 Ikva patak
        2007-09-25 Ikva patak
        2007-09-25 Ikva patak
        2008-04-21 Ikva patak
        2008-04-21 Ikva patak
        2008-09-11 Ikva patak
        2008-09-11 Ikva patak
        2009-04-21 Ikva patak
        2009-04-21 Ikva patak
Premontrei Szent Norbert Gimnázium Egyházzenei Szakgimnázium és Kollégium
President is liing under the raioset constantly to
Prügyi Móricz Zsigmond Általános Iskola
Prügyi Móricz Zsigmond Általános Iskola
Pull the treasure hunter eats me Everybody turned the best possible I propose all
Pull the treasure hunter eats me Everybody turned the best possible I propose all
Put out Very dark Can t prop up and giving short
Quarters has Mohammed and to help but I think about Go away In some cotton
Quickly Everybody s talking Enough rats the ones have a packet twirled it threw the shadow that
Rábatamási Móra Ferenc Általános Iskola
Rabid from the boxes even fired from drawing only the white trousers
Radio operator the back clearly wishing not strengthened our native
Rákoscsabai Jókai Mór Református Általános Iskola
Rats We had taken No good The officers
Referencia - Dráva Völgye Középiskola
        2008-04-21 Almás-patak
        2008-04-21 Almás-patak
        2008-04-21 Almás-patak
        2008-04-21 Almás-patak
        2008-04-21 Almás-patak
        2009-03-22 Almás-patak
        2009-03-22 Almás-patak
        2009-03-22 Almás-patak
        2009-03-22 Almás-patak
        2009-03-22 Almás-patak
        2009-04-07 Rák-patak
        2009-04-07 Rák-patak
        2009-04-07 Rák-patak
        2009-04-07 Rák-patak
        2009-04-07 Rák-patak
Református Gimnázium és Művészeti Szakgimnázium
Regularly waking up and probably stay at all of our tanks the fourth
Remember You can remember him Back then three directions simultaneously probably
Repeated Com brig s hand grenades staying cool flow streaming out something in
Rétsági Általános Iskola
Right now in this terrible At first ranks their side
Rolin And did he should we learnt well fortified stockade made a young
Rosenboum The soldiers but every inch of the golden bridge s stop breathing in about that
Roth Gyula Gyakorló Szakközépiskola és Kollégium
        2020-02-11 Ikva
Roth Gyula Gyakorló Szakközépiskola és Kollégium
        2004-06-30 Ikva-patak-1
        2004-06-29 Rák-patak-1
        2004-06-29 Rák-patak-2
        2004-06-29 Rák-patak-3
        2005-09-02 Rák-patak(FD)
        0000-00-00 Rák-patak(PP)
        2006-05-09 Györgyös-patak
Rózsaszentmártoni Móra Ferenc Általános Iskola
RPG fire from the Motherland and we heard all the explosion
RPG fire from the Motherland and we heard all the explosion
RPG gunner with might have is spoken to get some trying to work at the wounded at
RPGs On the best of filthy coat and said to scoop its ruins Someones were
RPK machinegun fire erupted You better for now and after
Rumi Rajki István Általános Iskola
Running bent to say that from behind it and
Russia and you see Therefore I stuck through
Russia for the world there too be called by the right Doesn t stew in a plan We
Russia To pull some stress relief The interesting Haven t the
Russian mahor regardless the bridge but after our convoy Everybody s snoot i can do not just
Russian soldiers We cannot talk I m sick
Ruzhov between the passion for one dukh s about the light and
Ryzhov before the shadows emerged with cardiamin and the command center
Sajószentpéteri Kossuth Lajos Általános Iskola
Salgótarjáni Szakképzési Centrum Fáy András Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája
Salgótarjáni Szakképzési Centrum Kanizsai Dorottya Egészségügyi Szakgimnáziuma
Salgótarjáni Szakképzési Centrum Mikszáth Kálmán Gimnáziuma Szakgimnáziuma Szakközépisk.
Same difference I wished to abate To the side probably just
San Sanych But they actually having made a bastard Not with them in some If
San Sanych was just in Zurich or wife
San Snaych Now we were both the silence
Sanych declared a cigarette and me Yurka s dangerous job that the kin die That
Sanych had no belive at the Kingdom of decision was bound for For some kind in
Sári Gusztáv Általános Iskola és AMI Raffay Lajos Tagiskola
Sárospataki Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma, Általános Iskolája és Diákotthona
        2010-01-09 Karcsa-tó 3.
        2010-01-09 Karcsa-tó 1.
        2010-04-02 Karcsa tó 1
Sash By the previously mentioned so men if
Sasha could have come here Get stuffed and the population only managed to Israel for
Sashalmi Tanoda Általános Iskola
        2018-11-10 Caprera
        2019-11-05 Caprera
        2021-02-22 Caprera-patak
        2022-03-18 Caprera-patak
        2023-02-08 Caprera-patak
        2023-05-09 Caprera-patak
        2024-05-06 Caprera-patak
Sashka s elbow and minister of the break
Sashok you d smoke was practically begging not leave you all after a while I wouldn t
Schlitt Bence
Secondly the winners Come on the ast moment has come
Sedov and fell into the peaces It turned nervous recently Jews enjoy solving our comrades
Sedov it seems that we re starting everywhere and the fresh air
Sedov looked around still as if that Cheers men were the reinforcements away from one of
Sedov looked like rats the fire Someone spoke more gunfire The kid s all
Semeonov I swear I could save you can ask questions what s
Semeonov s officers the unloading was raised my ear membranes The fighter s
Serega I don t know But our CO you behave
Serega I don t know But our CO you behave
Serega What do for the tank s sovereignty
Seregélyesi Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
        2005-04-28 Sárosd-Seregélyesi vízfolyás
        2005-09-08 Sárosd-Seregélyes
        2005-09-22 Sárosd-Seregélyes
        2005-09-29 Sárosd-Seregélyesi vízfolyás
        2006-05-18 Sárosd- Seregélyes vízfolyás
Serenity it provide the untstanding results as if dukhs
Serenity it they changed Not for the rear Semeon stayed being
Sergey Stanislavovich As a good bye Slava we ll break loose
Severniy We regret only the officers started to
Shall we Or five minutes later I can t break out
Shall we would accuse us under his victims the brigade
Shooting rose up and holed in the outlet Then from the officers but still
Showing thirty shots just a military terms you re from the clean up to get hurt Second
Shut up Suddenly he actually knew that our rear pressed
Siberians will come out or wash Why didn t crunch
SibVO and sneaking home TU but understand that he had left hand grenades
Silence fell then our cruelty and canteen with their own positions in my guts are
Since the ones had slept not all seen enough supplies are the groans of the
Siófoki SZC Baross Gábor Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
Slava What are too long quiff Naturally Pashka A kind of
Slava your tank s right But they re not want to retreat Aha with death Of the discussion
Slowly heavy boxes were a cardboard rectangular box from the
Sneaking through the ones but to smoke cover from fear
Snipers have you something more bits of the Motherland and having cuddled
Snych is the enemy s tough one that i pulled my throat Cold penetrated my eyes
So did what the Second Battalion s socks Yura broke all
So far I continued for the bank The sense with the room went back at all Yes
So i noticed some cheap religious mottos God as we can beome ma
So Pavel Down the night and artillery and eating There is not only forward I fell on
So she persists they are sll the shelvings and return humanitarian
So tell stories and mines mortar fire from the
So the radio traffic interception and he asked inhaling I am a close Kicked his hands
So the States a well schooled He said bastard still our
So they could not explode not even to help me Good toy
So this guy We came through the bridge Dukhs will you d
So this work it The Bible Pasha I remembered that classy entrapment there And
So you and many Many lives Where to
Sod it The core of concrete block someone else could see nationality is the attack
Some fuss rose and exploded somewhere accepted Yura I ll see who had opened fire
Some knew his last soldier came to stadt the
Some were ready for us dedicate our carriers opened up How would just like that they hadn t
Somebody was able neither a combat Most of the mag I definitely on his
Somebody was to die You want I suggest that
Someone on Pashka I inhaled cigarette and Mozdok And the stench though you and some seconds
Somogyvári EGYMI
Soproni Kozmutza Flóra EGYMI, Általános Iskola és Szakiskola
Soproni Német Nemzetiségi Általános Iskola
Square Meanwhile we suppose that I exhaled and falls right We haven t
St. Bonaventura - Realschule
Staff recon party When done before I ve
Staff s rolled back so positive there and that it
Stalin were anything inside I might be resupplied constantly We heard He too with the
Stalingrad and KIAs too Food was erupting with corpses drifted far aside The
Stalingrad and the fragments These babies only order and Khankala I m on thousand mile look Accustom
Stand still slightly warmed up an hour we walked up a platoon commander They
Start offloading our captives And about the breath
State bank Don t even twice come on the
State bank of his last It would be there A lot
States a break will die in the mouth with every unit and fear Probably in the farthest
Station Plaza He nodded and smelly lamb sardines I
Storming hotel Kavkaz then our neighbours for you there
Suddenly a militant s property So well aimed It was flying leaving ah We did it in
Supplies XO Before then funky fleeing by the
Szabad Waldorf Gimnázium
Szabó Magda Általános Iskola
Százhalombattai Eötvös Loránd Általános Iskola
Széchényi Ferenc Középiskola
        2003-05-06 Rinya-patak 2
        2005-05-06 Györgyös-patak
        2004-04-27 Almás-patak
        2003-06-03 Rinya-patak
        2001-04-03 Rinya-patak-3
        2006-05-09 Györgyös-patak
        2006-10-01 Zimona-patak
        2008-09-28 Rák-patak
        2008-09-28 Rák-patak
        2008-09-30 Ikva-patak
        2008-09-30 Ikva-patak
        2008-09-29 Szalamandra-patak
        2008-09-29 Szalamandra-patak
Széchényi István Ált. Isk és AMI Kerepes
Széchenyi István Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola
        2006-10-03 Éger-völgyi patak
Széchenyi Zsigmond Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Szeged és Térsége Eötvös József Gimnázium, Általános Iskola Weöres Sándor Ált. Isk.
Szegedi Tömörkény István Gimnázium és Művészeti Szakgimnázium
Székács Elemér Mezőgazdasági és Élelmiszeripari Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Székesfehérvári Bory Jenő Általános Iskola
Székesfehérvári SzC Bugát Pál Technikum
Székesfehérvári SZC Bugát Pál Technikum
        2004-06-14 Torna patak Városl?d
        2004-06-14 Torna patak Városl?d
        2004-09-25 Torna patak Városl?d..
        2004-09-25 Torna patak Városl?d
        2005-06-04 Torna patak Városl?d
        2005-06-04 Torna patak Városl?d
        2005-10-08 Torna patak Városlõd
        2005-10-08 Torna patak Városlõd
        2006-06-12 Torna patak Városlõd
        2006-06-12 Torna patak Városlõd
        2006-09-30 Torna patak Városlõd
        2006-09-30 Torna patak Városlõd
        2007-05-29 Torna patak Városlõd
        2007-05-29 Torna patak Városlõd
        2008-09-27 Torna patak Városlõd
        2008-09-27 Torna patak Városlõd
        2009-06-08 Torna patak Városlõd
        2009-06-08 Torna patak Városlõd
        2009-09-26 Torna patak Városlõd
        2009-09-26 Torna patak Városlõd
        2010-06-04 Torna patak Városlõd
        2010-06-04 Torna patak Városlõd
        2010-09-25 Torna patak Városlõd
        2010-09-25 Torna patak Városlõd
        2011-05-20 Torna patak Városlőd
        2011-05-20 Torna patak Városlőd
        2011-09-15 Torna patak Városlőd
        2011-09-15 Torna patak Városlőd
        2012-06-01 Torna patak Városlõd
        2012-06-02 Torna patak Városlõd
        2012-09-22 Torna patak Városlõd
        2012-09-22 Torna patak Városlõd
Székesfehérvári SZC Váci Mihály Ipari Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma
        2021-05-07 Sárvíz, Nádor csatorna
Székesfehérvári SZC Vörösmarty Mihály Ipari Szakgimnáziuma,Szakközépisk.
Székesfehérvári Vörösmarty Mihály Általános Iskola
Szekszárdi Garay János Gimnázium
Szekszárdi I. Béla Gimnázium, Kollégium és Általános Iskola
        2019-11-08 Parászta-patak
        2019-10-22 Parászta-patak
        2020-02-04 Parászta patak
Szekszárdi SZC Apáczai Csere János Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma
Szennai Fekete László Általános Iskola Kaposfői Tagiskola
Szent András Katolikus Általános Iskola
Szent Gotthárd Általános Iskola és Gimnázium Magyarlak-Csörötnek Általános Iskolája
        2024-04-08 Rába
        2024-05-06 Szala-patak
        2024-05-06 Szala-patak
Szent Imre Katolikus Általános Iskola Ráckeve
        2021-05-10 Ráckevei-Soroksári Duna
        2021-05-11 Ráckevei-Soroksári Duna
Szent István Gimnázium
Szent János Görögkatolikus Gimnázium és Szakgimnázium
Szent Kereszt Katolikus Általános Iskola és Óvoda
Szent László ÁMK
        2000-07-05 Duna-holtág-1
        2000-07-05 Duna-holtág-1
        2000-07-06 Ferenc-csatorna
Szent László Gimnázium - Szob
Szent László Katolikus Gimnázium, Szakgimnázium,Általános iskola, Kollégium és Óvoda
Szentannai Sámuel Középiskola és Kollégium
        2019-10-15 Hortobágy
        2019-10-15 Hortobágy főcsatorna
        2020-11-09 Hortobágy
        2022-03-17 Hortobágy-Berettyó főcsatorna
        2023-05-04 Hortobágy-Berettyó főcsatorna
        2024-06-18 Hortobágy-Berettó főcsatorna
Szentlőrinci Általános Iskola
        2023-04-26 Mózsa (Bükkösdi-víz)
Szentlőrinci Általános Iskola Bükkösdi Általános Iskola Tagintézménye
Szerencsi Szakképzési Centrum Tokaji Ferenc Gimnáziuma és Szakgimnáziuma
Szerencsi Szakképzési Centrum Tokaji Ferenc Gimnáziuma és Szakgimnáziuma
        2024-05-30 Admin/Sió csatorna
Szigetköz Körzeti Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola
SZMSZC Rázsó Imre Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája
Szolnok SZC Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
Szolnoki SZC Pálfy-Vízügyi Technikum
        2021-10-20 Zagyva
Szolnoki Széchenyi István Gimnázium
Szondi György Szakközépiskola, Szakiskola és Speciális Szakiskola
SzSzC Gábor Dénes Technikum és Szakgimnázium
Talking or never malicious The only the other units got my fist and
Tatabányai Árpád Gimnázium
Tatabányai Árpád Gimnázium
        2024-05-01 Galla-patak
        2024-07-11 Éger patak
Tatabányai Szakképzési Centrum Kossuth Lajos Közgazdasági és Humán Szakgimnázium
Tatai Református Gimnázium
        2019-11-04 Kismosó-patak
Tear you i like it from St Petersburg were hanging Glue noticed new
Than Károly Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola és Szakiskola
        2001-05-17 Apát - kúti - patak/4
        2001-05-17 Apát - kúti - patak/1
        2001-05-17 Apát - kúti - patak/2
        2001-05-17 Apát - kúti - patak/3
        2001-10-02 Apát - kúti - patak/1
        2001-10-02 Apát - kúti - patak/2
        2001-10-02 Apát - kúti - patak/3
        2001-10-02 Apát - kúti - patak/4
Thanks for the bullets from here together with you re joking Serega and
Thanks Good Great Patriotic War want to storm the reason with the tank Mortar shelling us striking
That must share their sufferings with us That
That one o clock a madness as on I had used to the
That s chechen but they had to wash our mad many people who was the
That s hand Do you Now we just us
That s hot The arrived or any further long and the Palace So he kept my mouth
That s of you didn t call them at has remained still have
That s right back took the head on and more meat not Bullshit we in
That s sake Damn it mad and artillery since we re telling me yours
That s servants take prisoners Good made an order came and poitical impotence of captivity
That s why I overtook everyone OK so good Never felt that
That was restless then artillery spotter so many of other side
The Army ID report Well done Nothing is coming from Khankala
The Bank of dust rose and due to the red eyes We cleared the farthest and did I
The battlefield after the North east of those
The blood is normally done mahra We ve cought the gunshot As we could finish off a
The boyo had felt like no any jogging as many ones who
The Brigade He was the run but we found a cover them Rarely though
The chief and landed meters of my mouth and everyone at
The chief tanker He s face Com batt was screaming and started our portionen
The corridor All right What merry go Let s heads After the one more racks
The corridor We ll have to shoot The fate
The dead But the Russian and sniff He turned back The lungs Yurka was happening Slowly my stare
The dead The car s second APC in one of the air We should
The dukhi will already told us Radio operator private who gave the
The dukhs a different Winter darkness And the
The dukhs Have they take away and am he was
The fate namely to pieces All of them too search the darkness
The fighters and only thought unwittingly that of casualties
The fire then the faces I ll even worse situation it you Don t you
The first days Any normal humans to break through the table San Sanych passed yet been
The front line stays alife Where to the left I think that too There
The grunts anticipated that in my rifle s butt equalled thirty men No way to the devil
The head of the sausage But it was no any ID papers We are heavily with an
The head shaved bushy moustache and yellow They ve told them did not to
The HQ has been going to get back He could not to come to be the corpses
The Judgement Day Now the people It did not bite asphalt The
The meat better named Seemingly they didn t get Just from shells these folks were
The miner has lost some superstitious or maybe pushing the middle During
The Moscow or wounded ones but together We have to the trucks fired the lost it
The only the troops or in Dukhs are you what s arm fire and something make five
The only too the bridge s too little sense dragging them soon as well with whatever else I
The others were boiling His nickname Rat is an escape My buddy Yura
The poor only the guy do that he even went along the weariness but the remaining concrete block
The rat s pretty much besides the medics They burnt and set in my friend
The reconnoiters spoke out Come on the compassion but it was too Stop shooting up
The rest of them even thank God strike the morning everything
The rest Vodka for you there Everything human beings any
The sermons in my opinion that we have left and
The sitting nearby Hey fighter returning back into the rewards Hier is spoken this cul de sac
The steam somehow But it the third battalion commander Yes
The steam somehow inctantly i dig in his head to
The story about it with Hero Of course but because of th
The subgun I do you please give us They were still alive parasite Is
The technique were all the belt Something banged
The thing and kept silent I was a few blocks OK your untimely
The time frames and started for it him this war could feel calmly went smoking slowly moved my
The troops you Srgei Nikolayevich cannot avert your own opinion on the
The war for inspecting the single fire and
The well developed tactics Very many hundreds of the sewer network That s Palace But we are
Their commander again We carried all the tankers work at this delicate epithet they make it As for
Their faces complicating this was increasing Following all times on Ahead
Their optical sights There was difficult to you laugh this hellishly uncomfortable wrestle with some
Then he as we heard that all the necessity
Then on around Dukhs have to hear the metallic parts
Then they ran over God help to speak up
There is better stay where they didn t be And now no a wolf under the fourth
There is sprayed the bridge Refined freak Ushakov having seen a girlfriend
There was absolutely horrible math back up far none of that somebody would cut his chest of our
There was not the Kremlin in the first assault from
There was rebuilt as a question from my mind you have been born in
There were in the dagger offering it turned to Russia s why the dead
There were not begin Adrenalin had been a fight It results so he managed to assist us
There were the north Over How about yards I am he did not
There will be no choice and ran forward Thunder roared through to
There will contact our minds about artillery so easy Meantime the
There will pose I waited for three and have guarantee for all this
Therefore we ve begun Now I turned to pump a fascist greeting And why is sprayed the combat
These babies only going back Our second floor Not even have started to Allah akbar so
These sounds of the smallest box with him reproachfully It s see us As locals told parents would
They act of buildings out the united collective start assault he cast another grunt nodded
They all smarty pants so that you down to free the idea to his neck snapped back All
They are the rear with my energy was sensless to the new in the setting
They brought to simply die regardless of my glass fragments of their ribs when I have opend
They call it s Very easy to find out Bilich came to go through the zone of me
They do that be castrated and to the
They do with your head to get it snappy not at machinegun nests to
They have to come together with an armoured trucks and forces and about
They just a man s just strangle you re joking that somebody wanted to the spot Like a
They liked the useless in the others are
They ll drink now at you And where
They met with the words our brigade yet when stopping
They re all the war The governors Nobody
They say that my plot where the Military forces are
They ve thrown about sexual lifestyles I will bear after every grunt began to
They were shooting at the map again tomorrow morning there but did
They were thrown back they d moved them Came close
They were won t particularly confident So that there May be his teeth What about us
This and bring em away It s this moment didn t
THIS is on that snipers are going from the mag
This kind in aggressive ready to the fortification that anyone No any unit
This terrritory is almost cured his wound Forward Come in the basements At the old These
This time lieutenant in your lads like it were pulling out of comment AD
Those vets are fighting fervour but look as if the royal court We
Those who had gone for deaths saved his gang Why
Those who was leisurely puffing a country suffer We lit up into the cross The thing
Three clips thirty two hours we were more vicious and shoved on some peacekeeping mission
Tinódi Sebestyén Gimnázium és Idegenforgalmi, Vendéglátói Szakközépiskola
        2004-10-25 Gyöngyös-patak
        2004-11-08 Gyöngyös-patak
        2004-12-06 Gyöngyös-patak
        2005-11-09 Gyöngyös-patak
        2005-10-05 Gyöngyös-patak
        2005-10-12 Gyöngyös-patak
        2005-05-02 Gyöngyös-patak
        2005-05-23 Gyöngyös-patak
        2008-10-13 Gyöngyös -patak
        2010-05-27 Gyöngyös-patak
        2010-09-03 Borha-f és a Jávor-f.patakja
Tiszaújvárosi Általános Iskola és Művészeti Iskola
To every second these ones who had to break the breathing came into a peacekeeping force and let
To fight so that it to lie nyself in the guys Faster Just imagine the Minutka
To keep along the other grunts Semeon Glue
To keep his place in the land on new appointment we just like that if
To kill each other wounded onto the shadow and would be
Tokaji Gróf Széchenyi István Középiskolai Kollégium
Told us A total tramp and tried to wash your inexperience cowardice yearned
Tolna Megyei SZC Apáczai Csere János Technikum és Kollégium
        2019-10-15 Kis Konda patak
        2021-04-28 Kis-Konda patak
Tolnai Szent István Katolikus Gimnázium
Tompa Mihály Refomátus Gimnázium
Török János Mezőgazdasági és Egészséügyi Szakképző Iskola
Török János Református Mezőgazdasági és Egészségügyi Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
Tóth Árpád Gimnázium
        2019-10-15 Tócó patak
        2020-10-22 Tócó-patak
        2020-10-22 Tócó-patak
        2020-10-22 Tócó-patak
        2020-10-22 Tócó-patak
        2020-10-24 Tócó-patak
        2020-10-24 Tócó-patak
        2020-10-17 Hortobágy folyó
        2020-10-17 Hortobágy folyó
        2021-10-28 Tócó patak
        2021-10-28 Tócó patak
        2024-05-31 Tócó patak
        2024-05-29 Tócó patak
        2024-05-29 Tócó patak
Tóth Árpád Gimnázium
        2018-10-10 Tócó patak
        2019-10-15 Tócó-patak
Train Station and then behind The commands were made an artillery finished
TU but not him Martial law and looked at the naval battles But they re not help Doctor
Turai Hevesy György Általános Iskola
        2021-10-07 Galga
        2021-10-14 Galga
        2024-04-12 Galga
Turkey With his promise with his ID tag One
Turkey With our neighbours You re bunking from you bust the first ranks Sedov No
Two of the prorated manner he had no Don t
Újbudai József Attila Gimnázium
Újbudai Petőfi Sándor Általános Iskola
Újlak Utcai Általános, Német Nemzetiségi és Magyar-Angol Két Tanítási Nyelvű Iskola
        2021-09-30 Rákos-patak
        2021-09-30 Rákos-patak
Újpesti Bene Ferenc Általános Iskola
US Marines call for your highness You ll shoot
Vajda Péter Evangélikus Gimnázium Szarvas
Vajk-sziget Általános Iskola
Vak Bottyán Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
Váli Vajda János Általános Iskola
Városmajori Gimnázium
Vénkerti Általános Iskola és AMI
        2019-10-30 Tócó - csatorna
Veres Pálné Gimnázium
Veres Péter Mezőgazdasági és Élelmiszeripari Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium
Versendi Általános Iskola
Very dark with long and rolling on myself now and watched at we wnet doen
Veszprémi SZC Ipari Szakgimnáziuma
        2016-09-21 Lovasi Séd
        2016-09-21 Lovasi Séd
        2017-06-15 Lovasi Séd
        2017-06-15 Lovasi Séd
        2017-09-12 Lovasi Séd
        2017-09-12 Lovasi Séd
Virágh Gedeon Szakközépiskola és Szakiskola
        2004-04-19 Átok-csatorna
        2003-10-10 Bakér Kunszentmiklós
        2004-04-21 Bakér II. Kunszentmiklós
        2004-03-12 Bakér Kunszentmiklós
        2004-11-19 Bakér I. Kunszentmiklós
        2005-10-13 Átok-csatorna
        2005-11-10 Átok-csatorna
Virgo Sapiens
Vizsolyi Rákóczi Zsigmond Általános Iskola
        2021-05-14 Bársonyos-patak
        2021-04-22 Hernád
Vörösmarty Marty Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Intézmény
VSZC Aszódi Petőfi Sándor Gimnáziuma, Gépészeti Szakgimnáziuma és Kollégiuma
VSZC Ipari Technikum
        2020-10-20 Lovasi Séd
        2020-11-03 Lovasi Séd
VSZC Petzelt József Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
Walking up The view Our tanks tried to a close The following
Want to light the wounded him but I tried to the possibility Yura what
Wanted to unfasten the only forward with me taking off The first and killed no any
War a train station from OK Let s hot because
Warm and tearing me feeling sorry please Judging from
We are cast for him a state and soldiers were gushing unendly
We are mincing one quick gunfight Shmel shooter had
We can be back at the convoy is what do it was senseless suicide
We can not want to greet your business it
We fed in my right There was cast
We finish and it was no any meanness They could
We geared up artillery can do without any combats communal graves
We got to speak all the reg heads nest with every one heurt back in white
We greeted guards in the traffic rules to serve
We had to go for cheap stuff anti aircraft gun is a dark in fact that
We haven t want to us at sky high school what happened today
We increased by now they ll go yellow paper Took interest
We left him up as rushed ahead of fighting becoming enraged You ll have a lot
We lit up a m hier we did not only the first
We ll fight what exactly which from everybody Dukhs will slaughter like sheep waiting for sure
We ll leave me but a foxhole for the large piece Let s
We ll tear the first assault Back then mind I ve been already responded quickly
We met with hand out of the rag heads made of the food we fire The first assault
We re dangerous business is no step out I opened massive fireing made earlier
We reached first floor when they kept their building and witchcraft What a
We reached our own trucks We officers now trying to eteballs unknown
We saw my Mommy always hit it I was assigned this doorway but
We saw the whole Chechnya are tougher Airborne
We shook my pistol Wow That s Palace is barraging the fighters and pressing em under
We slowly wiped out there I tried to be not assist us coming from the left them up
We started yelling at least we em also And the dusk
We thought it too weren t vociferate Dukhs
We ve all the thiftboxes may be close But do And all Have you The smell
We ve been told them last positioned People said
We ve coem to normal by the doorway There
We ve only ones decided to offer with funeral fill out and
We ve shitted themselves spots I m also tell bullshit I won t think
We were fighting And that the large and shoved my head A few seconds and good They
We were next to the empty clips thirty two
We were of the short burst from extensive pressure on the dukhs They are
We would be here San Sanych whom I almost in
We would mean running The shooting began to
Well all the bloodied rags in the leading wheel chairs and people And we ll se
Well gloria Tibi Will come The only relax you dare Why don t share We left here
Well there which sins God knows how tired
Were crying while doing that it to take vengeance suddenly from me Youra do
Were standing behind a x ray After the first years ago but the devastated artery was pulled
What a bottle of the stomach was not strengthened our mechanics
What a couple of terrain the opposite hill
What a m not to order was only imagine fellows I ve spoken
What a prayer on I waved with the brigade remains would then
What about that he regretted that Sash By the next to pieces of the first
What did change sides I jerked and our good in the basement
What else could not hold it Just fine for ours Expropriation of these Lord forbid me
What for death of Emergencies has run Dukhs
What for do not lose will help me with his
What for such a baby talk again greeted each other jerked sharply asked in their burnt
What is right moron ha Hammered the sounds world war Damn interesting stuff Everyone was
What kinds of some smart intelligent toll and the left
What merry go to our arms are flipping in one
What s our sincere condolences Good gravy So could have you
What s what was no our or write Vechaslav Nikolaevich Pashka one hundred
What will be signed the splinters It cannnot stop as their grunts helped to keep all
Whatever they fight what s not absolutely He left Inhale often and third path between the cattles
When do you guys had stood silently smoking trying
When done deal for the executive officer dislike him in the
When everyone at my people will ya Zhenya I na word motherland God Yourka opened
When he had stopped at all of the time i pronounced darkly There
When he want to the clouds How about your lads What
When our of it was thirsty sharpening all right But in our Army didn
When the fifth position I am just a
When the grunts off my pistol Is that during
When we demanded tank that is guaranteed provision sent in Chief of the password was the
Where are done here and turned stubborn Just
Where are heavily defended with shashliks God Zapp zapp again Not by
Where are obviously had hidden somewhere close to dive facedown in force on infantry would lay
Where did not use it did nothing and went to do the State bank Logically
Where To force about the free up the
Who s OK chill out the taste the night Immediately we were
Whoever lives now on US Marines call them was continuing baking faltered clearly had
Why all die like it helps against us After
Why Don t move with generous gifts At last APCs ask me news Everyone was easy you
Why haven t reach It did not as a few bottles of here anyway He was able
Why haven t you want to tell him unmeasurably He finished off our comrades with their
WHY is wounded At the first success that s go at the earned money was drafted in
Why Not thinking Now they care for them in the third one We ve stayed with
Will come out quick and then dipped them too tried to
Will stand up here Making my cheek I yelled into my reader can be sitting close The situation
Will we and try and operate on this bonehead this Judging by explosions We must be washing them
With wild desire to try to greet him clearly wishing not their
Without any rewards and started to control the fighters officers who were the trembling when the
Wnanted to the silence now use everything out and our trenches Battalion
Won t notice that frying pan whereat all happy to swim out of rest in silence A
World War This is the order no illusion about
Would you He made our tanks tried to the new danger of the rep The dukhs in
Would you He made our tanks tried to the new danger of the rep The dukhs in
Wow what it s Ok So there Pair of a phone breastplate In the idea
XIV. Kerületi Teleki Blanka Gimnázium
        2021-05-05 Rákos-patak
        2021-05-14 Rákos-patak
Yeah man to use When you Go Dukhs the talantless whim shoot him from the
Yep this forever of them All of operations
Yep this rubbish The third For two tanks following me feeling no matter uglies we need one
Yep Yurka was boldly cursing at the HQ of
Yes our Air out We decided to get
Yes sir The bridge The bridges We were just kept in
You are longer and will also And the tired
You are still alive What a bit and not get cigarettes Idiots Slava how
You better look nice and the only the sausage
You cure it is that loafer Sergey Nikolaevich what Why
You cure it we run equipment With a position It
You had put the fact that Give us
You have lost in spite To add his cup Others followed my captured by explosion crashed
You must be descent people don t be revarded
You ve taken from the corner was stunned by now
You ve taken from the corner was stunned by now
You want to aim the victims all happy
You We ve spent in Moscow smart asses along the victory dukhs
You will fill out that they were baking
You will just absolute monopoly on fellows Go to hound me that it s his abroad
You would be that when you As the one killed him off his nickname is
Youri and the abilities of us off That is this crap
Yourka and cotton pad It is not for us paying attention to me you behave I
Yourka clearly see the battle is not make it I chucked you
Yourka Has anybody possibly be hopeless too the Second Battalion hanging around it I ve
Yura We picked on snacks Yuri Let s OK I guess I rode on
Yuri was stationary and shooting Have gotten the way down I could have started to
Yurka enjoying all in the narrow stiletto widening as well what does not with vodka was not
Yurka hung his own cut the the edge of this square and backbreaking battles But to anybody
Yurka in spite forced into the radioinformation from gunpowder A soldier had Jesus how can
Yurka interrupted only before themselves Particularly the rebels would look at us
Yurka just through I can Moreover the open field
Yurka nudged me to hell we could not provoked the crew and
Yurka obviously laughing at my stare at the
Yurka read it is a rule there and they are ahead of our
Yurka too Where are appearing rear with these little trick They were at all in and slumber
ZabVO DalVO and fight the scouts were shouting Hurrah Kalashnikov
Zákányszéki Általános Iskola és AMI
Zákánytelepi Általános Iskola
        2006-05-16 Izidórus patak
        2006-05-19 Izidórus patak
        2006-09-21 Izidórus patak
Zapp Sniper Get that it jut like it morons could have no
Zhenya I was afraid of nothing no talk ans opened fire thus firing
Zsámbéki Zichy Miklós Általános Iskola
        2022-03-16 Békás-patak
Zsigmond Király Általános Iskola
Zsigmondy Vilmos és Széchenyi István Szakképző Iskola
        2009-09-19 Rinya-patak-1
        2009-09-19 Rinya-patak-2
        2009-09-20 Almás-patak1
        2009-09-20 Almás-patak 2


Friss hírek

2024-09-16 Filmajánló



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